Chapter 4: Menu Operation 51
Zoom enlarges all or part of the scrolling bottom display at x2, x3 or x4
magnification. You can select automatic zoom so the sounder keeps the
bottom in the lower portion of the zoom window or manually pick the area to
be zoomed. The ZOOM sub-menus are:
• View
• Zoom magnification
• Zoom Mode
The View sub-menu determines how the zoomed area appears on the screen.
• OFF means the display is not zoomed.
• SPLIT means the display is split vertically, with the zoom image in the left
hand window and the scrolling bottom display in the right hand window.
See Figure 4-3 .
In a split window display, a zoom box appears, representing the range
being displayed in the zoom window. The depths of the upper and lower
boundaries of the zoom box are displayed in the upper and lower right
corners of the zoom window.
• FULL SCREEN zooms the entire screen.
Note: If also displaying dual frequencies, the zoomed image is displayed ful-
ly in both frequency windows.