Optimizing pump therapy
Square Wave and Dual Wave bolus
Square Wave bolus delivers a bolus evenly over a period of time (30 minutes to 8 hours). This bolus can be used
for insulin delivery when you have eaten a long meal with extended snacking. It can also be useful if you have
delayed food digestion due to gastroparesis or meals high in fat. A Square Wave bolus can be useful if a Normal
bolus drops your blood glucose too rapidly. Since the Square Wave portion extends over a period of time, the insulin
is more likely to be available to match your individual needs.
NOTE: During delivery of a Square Wave bolus, you will not be able to do the following pump functions: change
the max bolus amount, disable or deliver Dual and Square Wave boluses, rewind or do a fixed prime, change the
active insulin time, run a Selftest, or access the User Settings menu. All other pump functions are still available
during the Square Wave bolus.
Dual Wave bolus delivers a combination of an immediate Normal bolus followed by a Square Wave bolus. The Square
Wave portion is delivered evenly over a period of time. A Dual Wave bolus is useful for meals with both rapidly and
slowly absorbed carbohydrates. For example, a Dual Wave bolus would be appropriate for fruit and crackers followed
by pasta. The Dual Wave option meets both immediate and extended insulin needs. A Dual Wave bolus is also useful
for correcting elevated blood glucose before a meal.
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