Status screen
Item When What
Active Insulin if any (Active Ins:) the amount of active insu-
lin, displayed to the next 0.025U
Alarm Clock* (appears if scheduled to alarm) Time set is displayed.
Auto-off (appears if enabled) X HR
Basal pattern information (if active) Pattern A or B
Battery Status (always appears) Normal, Low, Off
BG meter value
(most recent BG value received)
(appears if BG meter is enabled) XXX m/dL time and date received
BG Reminder*
(Only if enabled)
Time remaining before BG reminder is set to go off H:MM h
(if less than 1 hour, 0:XXh where XX is minutes remaining)
Block (if active) ON
Current date (always appears)
Current temp basal information (if active) rate (units per hour), duration, time re-
Last alarm/alert if cleared within 24 hours (Last:) with the date, time and abbrevi-
ation for the most recently cleared
Last bolus information type and units delivered
delivery time and date
(S = Square, N = Normal, D = Dual)
Meter Off, Low Batt (appears if enabled but battery is low or empty)
Meter On (appears if enabled)
Pump model number (always appears)
Remote On (appears if enabled)
Reservoir started (always appears) date, time, units left, time left
Serial number (always appears)
Software version (always appears)
Pump specifications 147