Square Wave portion - (Sq) The
second part of a Dual Wave bolus.
The Square Wave portion delivers
evenly over a period of time after
the NOW portion delivers.
Status - The condition of a part of
your system (battery status,
alarm/alert status).
Status screen - Displays the current
operations of the pump, including
active functions, the most recent
basal and bolus deliveries,
reservoir information, and
battery condition.
Step - Measurement of insulin that
you set and use for Easy Bolus and
other bolus deliveries.
Submerge - To place under water or
cover completely with water.
Suspend - Function that stops all
insulin delivery. Any current
bolus and/or prime deliveries are
cancelled. The basal delivery is
paused until restarted.
Temp - Temporary
Temp basal - (Tmp basal)
Temporary one-time basal insulin
with a specified amount and
duration. Used to support insulin
needs for special activities or
conditions that are not part of the
normal daily routine.
Timeout - If you do not enter
information or do something in a
specific length of time, your
pump automatically stops what it
is doing and goes to the HOME
L - microliter
164 Glossary