Exch ratio - (Exchange ratio) Used
when counting carbohydrates as
exchanges. The amount of insulin
required to cover one (1)
carbohydrate exchange. (Also see
carb ratio.)
Exchange system - A system of
estimating carbohydrate and
calorie intake that groups by
type. Each exchange group lists
similar types of food in serving
sizes. A person can exchange,
trade, or substitute a food serving
in a particular group for another
food serving in the same group.
Express bolus - Method of delivery
for any bolus type using the
express bolus button
Fats - One of the three main classes
of foods and a source of calories
or energy in foods. Fats help the
body use some vitamins and keep
the skin healthy.
Fiber - A substance found in foods
that comes from plants. Fiber
may help in the digestive process
and is thought to lower
cholesterol and help control
blood glucose. Fiber grams are
not absorbed, and can be
subtracted from the Total
Carbohydrate amount for foods or
meals with more than 5 grams of
Fingerstick - One method used to
test blood glucose by taking a
sample of blood for testing from
a finger using a lancet or
automatic finger puncture
Fixed prime - Fills the cannula with
insulin. This is done after you
insert the infusion set into your
body and remove the introducer
Food bolus - A dose of insulin given
to cover the expected rise in
blood glucose that occurs after
Gastroparesis - A condition of the
digestive system that slows down
the emptying of food from the
Glucagon - A hormone that raises
the level of glucose in the blood.
The alpha cells of the pancreas
make glucagon when the body
needs to put more sugar into the
blood. Glucagon primarily causes
sugar stored in the liver to be
released into the blood stream.
Glucagon Emergency Kit - An
injectable form of glucagon that
can be used to treat severe low
blood glucose levels
(hypoglycemia). A Glucagon
Emergency Kit can be obtained in
a pharmacy with a prescription.
Glucose tablet - A simple sugar in
tablet form, that is taken orally
to treat low blood glucose
(hypoglycemia). Glucose tablets
can be purchased from the
Medtronic Diabetes online store
at www.medtronicdiabetes.com
as well as drug stores and
HbA1c - Glycosylated hemoglobin
HDL - High-density lipoprotein A
complex of lipids and proteins in
approximately equal amounts
that functions as a transporter of
cholesterol in the blood.
Hold - Press and continue to press a
pump button.
Hyperglycemia - A condition in
which blood glucose values are
elevated above target. Symptoms
may include excessive thirst,
frequent urination, dry mouth,
headache, fatigue, and blurred
Hypoglycemia - A condition in
which blood glucose values are
low below 3.9 mmol/L (70 mg/
dL). Symptoms may include
behavioral changes, pale
complexion, hunger, sweating,
sudden weakness, headache,
confusion, drowsiness, non-
responsiveness to questions, and
the most serious: seizure,
convulsion or loss of
Idle - The pump is at the HOME
Glossary 161