Therapy software
Medtronic provides software to optimize your pump use. Contact our 24 Hour HelpLine for more information.
CareLink Personal™
Your pump provides real-time glucose values so that you can track glucose concentration patterns and possibly
identify episodes of low and high blood glucose. It also stores glucose data so that it can be analyzed to track
patterns and/or downloaded to CareLink Personal for analysis of historical glucose values.
CareLink Personal is a web-based system designed to help you manage your diabetes. It has many key features:
• It copies (uploads) data from your devices: insulin pump and supported blood glucose meters.
• Device data is stored on a networked database.
• There is an online logbook where you can record self-reported information, such as how many carbohydrates
you consumed.
• Uploaded data and other information stored on the system can be viewed through several different types of
treatment reports.
• Access to data and personal information on this system is secure.
Reports show you data gathered from your device(s), and from what you directly entered into the system. Examples
of the report data you can get include:
• Pump operation, such as alarm settings and maximum allowed bolus amount.
• Insulin delivery rates, types and times.
• Blood glucose reading levels and times.
• Bolus Wizard or online logbook entry data.
Reports are displayed in PDF format. They can be viewed online, saved, or printed.
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