Normal meal bolus using the exchange system
Normal bolus can be used to cover the carbohydrate in a meal or snack and to correct a blood glucose that is
higher than the target that was chosen for you.
Fred has been taught that he needs to take 1 unit of insulin for every carbohydrate exchange that he eats (every
milk, every starch or every fruit). For lunch today he will eat:
Turkey sandwich with two slices of bread 2 starches
1 small apple 1 fruit
1 cup of non-fat milk 1 milk
Total carbohydrate exchanges = 4
Fred's lunch has a total of 4 carbohydrate exchanges so he will take a meal bolus of 4 units for his lunch.
Bolus practice:
Going through the menus, program a 2.0 unit Normal bolus now.
Check here if you were able to program it.
Using the express bolus button , program a 2.0 unit Normal bolus now.
Check here if you were able to program it.
NOTE: Make sure that you are
not connected to your pump
while practicing.
Normal meal bolus practice using exchanges:
Choose a meal you might eat and fill in the blanks.
Food:__________ exchange:____________
__________ exchange:____________
__________ exchange:____________
total exchanges:____________
You will take _______ units of insulin for each exchange. Your total bolus is _______ for this meal.
38 Basic programming