Your turn: Easy bolus practice
The factory default setting for the Easy Bolus feature is 0.1 unit steps. You can change the step level as necessary
to a value that is more convenient for you to use and easier to multiply.
Give your next bolus by using the Easy Bolus feature on your pump.
How many units did you give? _______
How many tones did you count? _______
Your step level is ________.
It might be a good idea to look at your pump's screen to see the bolus amount as well as counting the steps the
first few times you try this until you become familiar and comfortable with the feature.
Basal patterns
The Basal Patterns feature is optional for pump users. You can set your pump to deliver a standard basal and two
additional basal patterns to meet your individual daily, weekly, or monthly needs. Keep a paper copy of your
programmed patterns with you at all times in case you need to reprogram your pump. To select and use pattern A
or pattern B, the patterns option must be turned on and programmed.
NOTE: You may want to explore this option after you become familiar with the basic pump functions. It is
important that you consult your healthcare professional before using a pattern other than your standard pattern.
• Standard pattern: Your normal basal that supports your usual day-to-day activity. When the Patterns feature
is off, the pump uses your standard basal pattern.
• Pattern A/B: Basal pattern that supports activity levels that are not a part of your day-to-day routine, but are
normal in your lifestyle. Such activities could be a sport that you do once a week or a change in your sleep
pattern over the weekend, extended periods of higher or lower activity, or menses.
Turning on the patterns
Your pump is set at the factory with the basal patterns feature turned off. After you turn on patterns, you still have
to program and select a pattern (A or B), as described in the next sections, before the patterns feature is active.
If you turn off the patterns feature, your pump will automatically select your standard basal pattern.
Go to the PATTERNS OPTION screen.
Main > Basal > Patterns
Select On, then press ACT. The patterns feature is now on. Exit the menus.
96 Optimizing pump therapy