If the second blood glucose is above 250 mg/dL (13.9 mmol/L):
• Take an insulin injection by syringe (not through the pump). The amount should be the same as if you were
taking a correction bolus.
• Change the entire infusion set system (new reservoir, infusion set, and cannula). Consider changing the insulin
vial if you believe that the insulin is no longer stable.
• Check urine for ketones and call your healthcare professional if ketones are present.
• Drink liquid with no calories every 30 minutes (for example: 8 oz. diet ginger ale, broth, water).
• Test blood glucose every 2 hours and keep taking correction insulin until blood glucose reaches target.
• Call your healthcare professional if your blood glucose and urine ketones remain high or you are unable to drink.
Treating hyperglycemia from illness or infection through insulin pump therapy will be discussed on the following
Diabetes ketoacidosis (DKA)
DKA results from untreated hyperglycemia. DKA is a serious medical problem that needs treatment right away. The
insulin pump therapy uses only fast-acting insulin, so DKA can occur rapidly if insulin delivery is disrupted. It is
important that you understand these guidelines.
Preventing DKA
If you have nausea or vomiting, immediately check your blood glucose and ketones. If your blood glucose is above
250 mg/dL (13.9 mmol/L) and/or ketones are present:
• Take an injection of fast-acting or regular-acting insulin with a syringe (not through the pump). The amount
should be the same as if you were taking a correction bolus. If ketones are present, more insulin may be needed.
Contact your healthcare professional for guidelines for insulin doses especially when ketones are present.
• Change the entire infusion set system (new reservoir, infusion set, and cannula). Consider changing the insulin
vial if you believe that the insulin is no longer stable.
• Call your healthcare professional.
• Troubleshoot the pump. If help is needed, please call our 24 Hour HelpLine for assistance.
• Drink liquids with no calories every 30 minutes (for example: 8 oz. diet ginger ale, broth, water).
• Check your blood glucose and ketones in one hour.
• Continue to take insulin as discussed with your healthcare professional.
Introduction to pump therapy 17