The screen includes information about:
• Recent insulin deliveries (basal and bolus)
• The amount of active insulin, if any
• Special features that are turned on
• Last alarm/alert that was cleared within 24 hours
• Most recent BG meter reading received within 24 hours
• Reservoir status
• Battery status
• Time and date
Refer to the Pump Specifications chapter for a complete list of the information that is available in the STATUS
If you remove your pump
You may have an occasion when you need or want to remove your pump. If you have to remove and store your pump,
it is recommended that you do the following: Keep a record of your current basal rates and use the Save Settings
feature (see the Utilities chapter). To preserve battery life, reset the basal rates to 0 (zero), turn off the RF options
(meter, remote), and set Auto-off to dashes or zeroes.
• Store your pump with the battery in place
• Keep a record of your current basal rates and use the Save Settings feature (see the Saving the settings section
of the Utilities chapter).
• To preserve battery life, reset the basal rates to 0 (zero), turn off the RF options (meter, remote), and set
Auto-off to dashes or zeroes.
Remember, your body still needs insulin while your pump is removed.
It is important that you consult with your healthcare professional to determine an alternate method of receiving
your insulin. You can remove your pump for up to one hour without taking insulin. If you remove your pump for
more than one hour, you will have to use another way to take your insulin, such as injections of fast-acting insulin,
or reconnecting your pump to take boluses. Take the injection or bolus approximately every four hours. Calculate
the amount of insulin to take based on the total of your basal insulin in four hours. Include the amount you need
for meal and correction boluses. If you will have your pump off for several days, you will need to return to a multiple
injection regimen.
34 The basics