Installed Software 31
E-EQ-RX2RG-B RX2 Reference Guide
Radio Drivers
• For the Summit or Cisco 2.4GHz PC radio card.
RFID Driver
• Includes an RFID driver. Once installed, the driver is configured via the RFID icon
in the Control Panel.
Wavelink Avalanche (Optional)
Note: Please contact your LXE representative for software updates as they are released by
An optional TagLogger RFID application is available, \System\TagLogger.exe. To launch the
application, browse to the \System folder and click on the TagLogger.exe icon.
This application functions by calling a series of APIs (Please see Chapter 4, “Application
Development” for more information on APIs).
When the program starts, two API calls are made to set maximum output power and modulation.
• LXERFIDTag0Set (output power=0x10, modulation=0x20)
• LXERFIDTag1Set (output power=0x10, modulation=0x20)
Then the application loops continuously calling two APIs in a loop:
By default, the application loops the reads as quickly as the RFID reader can respond. The delay
can be set using the \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LXE\RFIDApp\ReadInterval key
in the registry to the number of seconds to wait after each cycle of reads. The default value is 0.
Note: The read interval affects battery life expectancy. A shorter read interval decreases
expected battery life.
This application writes tag data in the \System folder in a file named RFIDLOG.TXT. This file
can be viewed on the RX2 using WordPad or transferred to a PC via ActiveSync or FTP for