46 Control Panel Options
RX2 Reference Guide E-EQ-RX2RG-B
PC Connection
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | PC Connection
Control the connection between the mobile device and a nearby desktop/laptop computer.
Factory Default Settings
Allow Connection Enabled
Connect Using ‘USB Client’
Click the Change button to adjust the settings and click the OK button to save the changes. The
changes take effect immediately.
Unchecking the “Allow connection with …..” disables ActiveSync. DO NOT disable ActiveSync
on the RX2.
Change ….
DO NOT use the Change… button to select a different connection method. The RX2 can only
connect via USB. If a different connection method is chosen, the RX2 must be returned to LXE
for repair.
Figure 3-11 Communication / PC Connection Tab
Regional Settings
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Regional Settings
Set the appearance of numbers, currency, time and date based on regional and language settings.
No change from general desktop PC Regional Settings Properties options. Adjust the settings and
click the OK box to save the changes. The changes take effect immediately.
Factory Default Settings
Regional Setting English (United States)
Number 123,456,789.00 / -123,456,789.00 neg
Currency $123,456,789.00 pos / ($123,456,789.00) neg
Time h:mm:ss tt (tt=AM or PM)
Date M/d/yy short / dddd,MMMM,dd,yyyy long