Control Panel Options 53
E-EQ-RX2RG-B RX2 Reference Guide
Click the Restore Defaults button to set the parameters to their factory default setting. Click OK to
save changes or X to ignore any changes and return to the Control Panel.
Note: RX2 is restricted to 95% for Modulation.
Output Power
Provides configuration for the output power applied during Read (or Write) operations. The range
is 16 settings from +15dBm to +30dBm.
Provides configuration carrier modulation during Read (or Write) operations. The range is from
20% to 95% in 2.42% steps.
Power Management
The time out period sets the time that the software will change the RFID module state from
Standby to Disable in order to reduce battery current consumption.
This timer expires if no reads have been requested for the specified period of time. The increments
of the timer are 3 sec., 4 sec., 5 sec., 10 sec., 15 sec., 20 sec., 30 sec., 45 sec., 1 min., 2 min., 3
min., 4 min., 5 min., 6 min., 7 min., 8 min., 9 min., 10 min., 11 min., 12 min., 13 min., 14 min.,
and 15 minutes.
When the “Disable” check box is checked, then Power Management is disabled and the RFID
module remains in the “Standby” state.
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | RFID | Firmware tab
Select and install RFID firmware upgrades to the RFID module. The upgrade file is selected using
standard Windows functions.
The currently loaded RFID firmware version is displayed. This value cannot be edited by the user.
Figure 3-16 RFID Properties / Firmware Tab
Note: RFID firmware upgrades and subsequent rebooting does not directly cause changes to
any other RX2 firmware.