1.10 User PLC Alarms
I - 43
1.10 User PLC Alarms
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Details Remedy
– – The ladder is not a GX Developer.
(Note) Emergency stop (EMG) will
be applied.
Download the ladder of the
format selected with the
PLC environment selection
parameters (bit selection
#51/bit 4).
0x0010 – Scan time error
The scan time is 1 second or longer.
Edit the ladder size to a
smaller size.
0x0040 – Ladder operation mode illegal
A ladder different from the
designated mode was downloaded.
(Note) Emergency stop (EMG) will
be applied.
Download the ladder
having the same format as
when the power was reset
or turned ON.
0x0080 – GX Developer ladder code error
(Note) Emergency stop (EMG) will
be applied.
Download the correct GX
Developer format ladder.
0x008x – PLC4B ladder code error
An illegal circuit was found in the
PLC4B ladder.
bit1: PC medium-speed circuit
bit2: PC high-speed circuit illegal
(Note) Emergency stop (EMG) will
be applied.
The ladder format is illegal.
(PLC4B is not available in
the specification.)
Create again in the GX
Developer format.
0x0400 Number of
ladder steps
Software illegal interrupt
The ladder process stopped
abnormally due to an illegal software
command code.
(Note) Emergency stop (EMG) will
be applied.
Turn the power ON again.
If the error is not reset,
download the correct
0x1000 – Limit value for the number of ladder
steps over
Limit value for the number of ladder
steps has been over.
Edit the ladder size to a
smaller size.
Software exceptional interrupt
The ladder process stopped
abnormally due to a bus error, etc.
bit 0: BIN command operation error
bit 1: BCD command operation error
Refer to the methods for
using the BCD and BIN
function commands.
Illegal PLC
0x800x Number of
ladder steps
command error
bit7: IRET command execution error
(Note) Emergency stop (EMG) is
applied for bit 6/7.
Turn the power ON again.
If the error is not reset,
download the correct
Stop PLC
The ladder is stopped. Start the ladder.
(Note) The number of ladder steps displayed on the screen may not match the actual number of error
occurrence steps because of the ladder timing. Use this as a guideline of the occurrence place.