Measuring Waveforms
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Use the procedure that follows to set gates on a measurement source, which
forces the measurement to be taken over a segment of the waveform (otherwise,
the entire waveform feeds the measurement).
Overview To gate a measurement Related control elements and resources
Prerequisites 1. Set up as f rom last procedure.
See To Take an Automatic M easurement on
page 3--24
Access the
2. From the application menu bar, select Setup, and then
select Measurement. See right.
Enable and
position the
3. Select the Region tab to expose the gate controls. Click
to check the box as indicated at right to turn gating on
and to display t he gates on screen.
4. If Annotations are not on, click the Annotations box, or
the gates wil l not display.
5. Use the G1 (Gate1) and G2 spin controls (or click ands
type in values--see right) to adjust the gates on screen
such that the area to measure i s bet ween the gates.
Tip. Values are entered as a % of the waveform,
displayed from left to right. If no keyboard is installed,
access the virt ual keyboard and use the t ouch screen to
enter values.
Check to display gates
Varyto positiongates
ccess to
tual keyboa
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