CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Documentation Map
This instrument ships with documents individually tailored to address different
aspects or parts of the product features and interface. The table below cross
references each document to the instrument features and interfaces it supports.
To read about.. . Refer to these documents: Description
Standard accessories or pac
ing list G
aphical pa
ing list The graphical packing list is one of the it ems you
should find when you open t he i nstrument box. It
shows all items as they are packaged in the box.
Additionally, all standard accessories are li s ted on
page 1--41 of this manual.
Install ation, Specification, & Operation
Main Us
Reference Manual
CD booklets
Read the Reference for a quick overview of
instrument features and their usage.
Read the User Manual for general information
about your i nstrument — procedures on how to put
it into service, speci ficati ons of i ts performance,
maps of its user interface controls, overviews and
background on it s features.
Specific installat ion information for both the
operating system (OS) and product software is
located in each of the CD booklets accompanying
the CDs.
For more detai led usage inf orm ation, see Online
Help System, below.
All about Sampling Modul es El ectrical , Opti cal, or Other
Modules User Manual
Read these manuals for complete information
about the sampl ing m odules you purchased —
how to install them i n the instrument, how to use
them, and how to protect them from ESD.
The user manual for Electri cal and Optical
Modules are provided on the product software CD
as PDF files. These are also avail able for
download on the Tektronix Web site. Other module
user manuals are provided with the module.