Appendix B: Automatic Measurements Reference
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Table B- 2: Pulse Measurements - Timing (cont.)
Name Definition
+Width The horizontal interval between the crossings of the rising and falling edges at t he m id-refer-
ence level of the f irst posi tive pulse i n the measurement region.
+Width = Tcross2 – Tcross1
Where Tcross1 and Tcross2 are the t wo consecutive horizontal crossings on the first
positive pulse.
The mid-reference level is adjustable and defaults to 50% of the pulse amplitude.
See Measurement Reference Parameters and Methods on page B--56 or in the online help. Also
see Reference Levels Method on page 3--79.
If enabled, measurement gates constrain the measurement region to the area between the Start
Gate (G1) and Stop Gate (G2). See To Localize a Measurement on page 3--83.
-Width The horizontal interval between the crossings of the falling and rising edges at the mid-refer-
ence level of the f irst negat ive pulse in t he measurement region.
--Width = Tcross2 – Tcross1
Where Tcross2 and Tcross1 are the t wo consecutive horizontal crossings on the first
negative pul se.
The mid-reference level is adjustable and defaults to 50% of the pulse amplitude.
If enabled, measurement gates constrain the measurement region to the area between the Start
Gate (G1) and Stop Gate (G2).