Data Input and Output
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Some features of note follow:
Commenting. The Save-Setup and the Recall-Setup dialog boxes provide for
including and viewing comments with your saved setups. That way, you can
store information, readable upon recall, that describes each setup you save and its
intended application.
Virtual Keyboarding. If you do not have a keyboard connected, you can still enter
comments and name setup files. The Save and Recall Setup dialog boxes include
the Virtual Keyboard button, shown left. When you touch or click it, the
instrument displays a virtual keyboard on screen that you can use with your
mouse or the touch screen to enter the setup-path name, setup-file name, and
The instrument excludes the following items when saving setups:
H Waveforms in channels (C1-C8) or references (R1-R8). Control settings
(scale, position, and so on) are saved but not the waveform data. Upon recall
of the setup, the settings are applied, but the data is not restored.
H Waveforms in Math Waveforms (M1-M8). Control settings and the math
expression are retained but not the waveform data. Upon setup recall, the
recalled math waveform expressions will be applied, but there is no math
waveform data to restore. Instead, a new math waveform will be generated
based on the recalled expression.
H User Options that are stored in the Windows Registry. These include all
options accessed by first selecting Utilities (menu bar), and then User
Preferences (Utilities menu).
H Standard Masks. Standard masks are not stored with the setups. However, if
your recalled setup includes display of a mask, recalling the setup will, in
turn, display the mask. Also, masks you define are stored with the setups.
The key points that follow describe operating considerations for setting up the
saving and recalling of setups.
All Settings are Retained. The instrument includes almost all instrument settings,
with a few exceptions (such as user options) in the saved setup.
Retaining Current Settings. Recalling a setup replaces the current setup with the
recalled setup. If you do not want to lose your current setup, save it to its own
setup file for later recall before you recall the new setup.
What’s Special?
What’s Excluded?
Keys to Using