CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
size, 3 --155
supported statistics, table of, 3 --158
taking, 3--154
to take, 3--156
usage limitations, 3--155
valid sources of, 3--154
why use, 3--154
Holdoff, triggering, 3--45
usable limits, 3--46
Holdoff, trigger, Glossary--5
Bit error, t o capture, 3--36
Bar cursors, Glossary--5
delay time, Glossary--5
discussion of parameters, 3--17
interrelation of parameters, 3--19
position, 3--7
scaling, 3--4
set up proce dure, 3--8
time range (acquisition window), Glossary--5
Horizontal Reference, usage limitations, 3--31
Horizontal acquisition window, Glossary--5
control set up, 3--10
what determines, 3--17
Horizontal delay, defi ned, 3--28
Horizontal position, relative to Horizontal Ref, 3--59
Horizontal reference , re lative to horiz ontal position,
3-- 59
Horizontal reference point , Glossary --5
Horizontal scale, why use, 3--4
Horizontal set up, purpose, 3--4
Horizontal settings
with channel waveforms, 3--58
with math waveforms, 3--58
with reference waveforms, 3--58
Image, ink-saver mode, 3--134
Incoming inspection, 1--17
perform compensation, 1 --20
perform diagnostics, 1--18
perform hardware and operating system test, 1--38
perform the funct ional tests, 1--21
test equipment required by, 1--17
Infinite Persistence, display mode, 3--67
Initialize, Glossary--6
Ink-saver mode, 3--134
Input/Output (front panel), map, 2--11
Input/Output (rear panel), map, 2--12
Inspection and cleaning
exterior, 3 --175
flat panel display, 3--176
Installation, 1--9
environmental requirements, 1--9
incoming inspection procedure, 1--17
sampling modules, 1--10
compensation requirements, 1--10
software installation, 1--15
accessories list, 1--41
acquisition overview, 2 --6
cleaning, 3--175
functional model, 2--4
installation, 1--9
key features, 1--1
models, 1--1
optional accessories list, 1--42
options list, 1--41
package contents, 1--7
product description, 1--1
standard accessories list, 1--41
Interpolation, Glossary --6
description of modes, 3--67
Introduction, to this manual, xi
Keyboard, virt ual, Glossary--10
Keypad, virt ual, Glossary--10
Knob, Glossary--6
general purpose, Glossary--4
Trigger MAIN LEVEL, 3--40
Level, trigger, 3--40
Linear interpolation, 3--67, Glossary--6
Linearity, measurement errors, 3--6
Live wave forms, Glossary--6
Low, Glossary--6
LowRef, measurement level, Glossary--6
Mag1 and Mag2, Views, 3--59
part numbers, 1 --41
related, xii