CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Appendix B: Automatic Measurements Reference
This reference describes the automatic measurement system of this instrument.
Automatic measurements support Pulse, R eturn-to-Zero (RZ), and Non-Return-
to-Zero (NRZ) signals, providing measurements in three categories, Amplitude,
Timing, and Area.
This reference gathers reference information for automatic measurements.
Specifically, it lists:
H A definition for each auto-measurement type (for example, rise time, period,
and suppression ratio), organized according to the signal measured (Pulse,
Return-to-Zero eye pattern, or Non-Return-to-Zero eye pattern):
H Pulse signals -- see Pulse Measurements on page B--2.
H Return-to-Zero eye patterns -- see RZ Measurements on page B--15.
H Non-Return-to-Zero eye patterns -- see RZ Measurements on page B--37.
H Descriptions of the reference parameters (levels and crossings) that the
automatic measurement system uses when taking automatic measurements.
See Measurement Reference Parameters and Methods on page B--56.
H Descriptions of the methods for tracking the High and Low values that the
automatic measurement system uses when in taking automatic measure-
ments. See High/Low Tracking Method on page 3--77.
To learn about the controls that set up the automatic measurements, see the
Tracking Methods sectiononpageB--66orMeasurement Setup dialog box topic
in the online help system.