Appendix A: Specifications
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Table A- 3:
System - Trigger (cont.)
Description Characteristics
External direct trigger
capabilities and
Direct edge triggering on signal applied to dedicated front panel
connector with Holdoff, Level Adjust, Auto/Normal, High Frequency
On/Off, and Enhanced Triggering On/Off controls.
External direct trigger specifications apply only under the condition that
no other trigger signal is applied to respective connectors.
Short term optimized mode and locked to internal 10 MHz reference
specifications only apply under the condition that there is no external
10 MHz reference applied to the front panel connector.
External direct trigger
input characterist ics
50 Ω input resistance, DC coupled only
External direct trigger
input range
±1.5 V (DC + peak AC) maxim um input voltage
External direct trigger
maximum operat ing
trigger signal
External direct trigger
level range
Adjustable between ±1.0 V
n External di rect
trigger sensitivi ty
100 mV, DC-3 GHz
External direct
trigger sensitivi ty
50 mV typical, DC-4 GHz
External direct trigger
level resolution
n External di rect
trigger level accuracy
50 mV + 0.10 x level
n External di rect
trigger delay jitter,
short term optimized
mode maximum
1.2 ps R MS + 10 ppm of horizontal position, or better
External direct trigger
delay jitter, short term
optimized mode (typi-
800 fs RM S + 5 ppm of horizontal position, typical
n External di rect
delay jitter, locked t o
internal 10 MHz refer-
ence mode maximum
2.5 ps R MS + 0.04 ppm of horizontal position, or better
External direct delay
jitter, locked to inter-
nal 10 MHz reference
mode (typical )
1.6 ps R MS + 0.01 ppm of horizontal position, typical
External direct trigger
minimum pulse width
167 ps, typical