Incoming Inspection
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Perform the Compensation
This procedure uses internal routines to verify that the instrument compensates
Equipment required
For sampling modules:
H 50 Ω terminations on all electrical modul e channels (Tektronix
part number 015-1022-xx).
H Dust covers on all opt ical module channels.
The sampling modul es shi p from Tektronix with the proper termina-
tions and dust covers installed.
Prerequisites First, al l sampling modules t o be compensated must be installed as
outlined i n their user manuals.
Second, power on the instrument and allow a 20 minute warm-up
before doing t his procedure.
1. Run the compensation routines:
a. From the application menu bar, select Utilities, and then select Com-
In the Compensation dialog box, the main instrument (mainframe) and
sampling modules are listed. The temperature change from the last
compensation is also listed. S ee Figure 1--6.
Click to select compensate
Click to startcompensation
Choose allas targets
Figure 1- 6: Compensation dialog box