Product Description
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
product software becomes necessary. See Software Installation on
page 1--15.
New versions of the software may become available at our web site. See
Contacting Tektronix on page xiii in Preface.
Firmware Upgrade
Tektronix may offer firmware upgrade kits for the instrument. Contact your
Tektronix service representative for more information (see Contacting Tektronix
on page xiii).
Sampling Modules Supported
This product can use the following optical and electrical sampling modules listed
below. These modules, which plug into the instrument, are more fully described
in their respective user manuals. These manuals were shipped with those
sampling modules that were ordered with this product.
The sampling modules listed here were available at the time this manual was
published; see your Tektronix product catalog for current offerings.
Optical Sampling Modules.
H 80C01 -- 622/2488/9953 Mb/s, 12.5/20 GHz optical module.
Clock Recovery (622/2488 Mb/s) added with option CR.
H 80C02 -- 9.953 Gb/s, 20/30 GHz optical module.
Clock Recovery (9.953 Gb/s) added w ith option CR.
H 80C03 -- 1.063/1.250/2.488/2.500 Gb/s amplified optical module.
Clock Recovery for all rates added with option CR.
This module has been superseded by the 80C07B .
H 80C04 -- 9.953/10.3125 Gb/s, 20/30 GHz optical module.
Clock Recovery (9.953 Gb/s) added w ith option CR1.
Clock Recovery (9.953 Gb/s and 10. 66 Gb/s) added with option CR2.
This module has been superseded by the 80C11.
H 80C05 -- 9.953 Gb/s, 20/30/40 GHz optical module for 10/40 Gb/s NRZ.
This module has been superseded by the 80C10.
H 80C06 -- 55 GHz optical module for 40 Gb/s RZ and NRZ telecom.
This module has been superseded by the 80C10.