Acquiring Waveforms
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
The instrument displays waveforms in one of three formats: YT, XY, or XYZ.
Use the procedure that follows to set the display format.
Overview To set display format Control elements and resources
To select the
1. To set the display axis format, touch the DISP button
and select the Appearance tab.
2. Select between YT, XY, and XYZ display formats:
YT. This format is the conventional instrument display
format. It shows a signal voltage (the vertical axis) as it
varies over time (the horiz ontal axis).
XY. This format compares the voltage levels of two
waveform records point by point (see Figure 3--15). That
is, the instrument displays a graph of the data of one
channel versus another. In fast acquisition mode XY, the
data is a continuous stream which is not triggered, and
there are no waveform records. In record view XY, the
data is triggerable and the individual X and Y waveform
records are available. This mode is particularly useful for
studying phase relat ionships. When you set the
VERTICAL POSITION and Vertical Offset to center the
display in YT mode, the XY display is at center screen,
and each division of display in YT mode produces a
division of display in XY mode.
When you choose the XY format, channels are assigned
to the axis indicated in Table 3--4 and displayed as part
of an XY pair. If only one source in an XY pair is
displayed, the instrument automatically turns on the
other source to complete the XY pair. Moreover, once
XY is on, selecting either source in a pair turns the pair
on; turning either waveform of a pair off removes both
sources from the display.
XY format is a dot-only display, although it can have
persistence. The Vector style selection has no effect
when you select XY format.
If in fast acquisition XY or XYZ, histograms are allowed.
In record view XY, histograms, m easurements, math,
cursors, zoom, and waveform database are not allowed.
The HORIZONTAL controls still control the timebase,
sample rate, and so forth, but the changes are not
reflect ed in the horizontal axis as in YT display format.
Figure 3- 15: Fast Acquisition XY display
To Set Display Format