CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Index- 5
recall your waveform, 3--259
remote communication, 3--282
retaining current settings, 3--246
save all waveforms to files, 3 --256
save the file, 3--270
save the setup, 3--248
save the waveform to a file, 3--256
save the waveform to a reference, 3--255
save your setup, 3--250
save your waveform, 3--257
saving and recalling a setup, 3--245
saving and recalling waveforms, 3--253
select a destination, 3--256, 3--269
select directory and name file, 3--256
select for copy, 3--273
select for export, 3--263
select setup for copy, 3--273
select setup for export, 3--264
select the waveform to save, 3--254
select your setup, 3--252
select your waveform, 3--259
setup to copy images, 3--274
setup to copy measurements, 3--276
setup to copy waveforms, 3--274, 3--275
setup to export histograms, 3--268
setup to export images, 3 --265
setup to export measurements, 3--268
setup to export waveform s, 3 --266
specify a line-graph chart, 3 --272
spreadsheet, file format, 3 --262
text, file format, 3--262
to clear references, 3 --260
to copy your waveform, 3--273
to date/time stamp hardcopies, 3--281
to display the date and time, 3--281
to export your waveform, 3--263
to get the current time, 3--281
to preview the page, 3 --279
to print from front panel, 3--277
to print from menu bar, 3--277
to recall your setup, 3--251
to recall your waveform, 3--257
to save to a file, 3--249
to save your setup, 3--248
to save your waveform, 3--254
to set the date and time, 3-- 281
to set up the page, 3--278
to use an exported waveform, 3--271
using auto--increment filename, 3--247
view, 3--278
Data Source, A Trigger control window, 3--111
Date and time
display, 3--140, C--10
displaying, 3--281
set, 3--140
setting, 3--281
Date/time, on hardcopies, 3 --281
dB, 3--233, Glossary--4
dBm, Glossary--4
DC coupling, Glossary--4
DC offset, with math waveforms, 3 --193
Deassign multipurpose knobs, C--16
Decibel, Glossary--4
Default setup, how to execute, 3--18
Define inputs, A Trigger control window, 3--106,
3--109, 3--111, 3--112
Define pattern type, A Trigger control window, 3--106,
Defining and displaying waveforms, 3 --126
Degree, 3--234
Delay, C--12
DELAY button, 3--78
Delay measurement, Glossary--4
Delay mode on, C--6
Delay time, Glossary--4
A Trigger control window, 3--119
Delayed runs after time, 3-- 78
Delayed trigger, 3--78
how to set up, 3--119
Delayed triggera ble on events, 3--78
Delete all refs, C --1
Derivative ma th waveform, 3--191
applications, 3--191
derivation of, 3--191
procedure for measuring, 3--192, 3--201
record le ngth of, 3--191
key features, 1--1
product, 1--1
Deskew, 3--181, C--4, Glossary--3
channels, 3--181
vertical controls window, 3--181
Diagnostics, C--15
of a derivative, 3 --191
waveform, 3--190
Digitizing, Glossary--4
process, define d, 3--40
customizing, 3--138
date and time, C--10
elements, 3 --124
format, 3--140, C--9
persistence, 3--138, C--9
settings, 3--138
setup, 3--142, C--9