Appendix C: Menu Bar Commands
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Vertical Commands
Table C--3 lists the commands available from the Vertical menu.
Table C- 3: Vertical menu commands
Menu Submenu Function
Vertical Setup Displays the Vertical Setup window that you use to set the position, scale,
offset, termination, coupling, and bandwidth of a channel. You can also
calibrate, deskew, and set the external attenuat ion of attached probes.
Zoom Controls Displays the Z oom control window that you use to set the position and scale of
zoomed waveforms
Display On/Off Displays the Waveform Display control window that you can use to turn the
display of waveforms on and off
Position/Scale Displays the control window that you use to position the waveform and set the
vertical scale
Displays a cont rol window that you use to label your waveforms. Vertical labels
move if the waveform position changes (also see display screen text on
page C--9).
Offset Displays the Vertical Offset control window you use to set the vertical offset and
scale of a waveform
Termination Displays the Termination control window you use to select input terminati on for a
Coupling Displays the Coupling control window you use to select input coupl ing for a
Bandwidth Displays the Bandwidth control window you use to set the bandwidth of a
Probe Cal Displays the Probe Cal control window you use to check a probe status and
compensate the entire signal path from the probe tip to digitized signal
Deskew Displays the Deskew control window you use to compensate for propagation
delays of input channels
Attenuation Displays the Attenuation control window you use to inform the instrument of the
external attenuation or gain between the signal and the input channels