Data Input/Output
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
3- 247
Avoiding Setup/Waveform Mismatches. Saved setups may contain settings
inappropriate for waveforms currently in your instrument. For example, if you
save a setup that displays a math waveform that is the inverse of reference 1,
when you recall the setup, if the reference is empty, the math and reference
waveforms are not displayed.
Auto-increment file name in the Save As and Export dialog boxes enables saving
numerous files without entering a file name each time. To auto-increment file
names, select Auto-increment file name on the dialog box as shown in
Figure 3--62.
Figure 3- 62: Auto-increment file name feature
Enter a Base file name and click Save. For the initial save, the default count is
000. Your first file is saved as [Basefilename][count].ext,whereext is the file
extension. On subsequent saves, the instrument searches for the highest
numbered file name and increases the number by one, as in Basefilename001.ext.
For example, if you save a series of rise time data files, you can use Risetime as
the base file name. Your first file is saved as Risetime000.ext. The next file will
be Risetime001.ext, and so on.
Using Auto-Increment
File Name