Appendix C: Menu Bar Commands
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Edit Commands
Table C--2 lists the commands available from the Edit menu on the menu bar.
Table C- 2: Edit menu commands
Menu Submenu Function
Undo Last Autoset Undoes the last autoset
Copy Copies the full screen, graticule, waveform, or measurement to the clipboard for
use with other applications
Select for Copy Full Screen (bitmap)
Graticul e (bitmap)
Waveform (data)
Measurement (data)
Select from the list what you want to copy to the clipboard
Copy Setup Displays the Copy Setup window that you use to set up and copy images,
waveforms, and m easurements:
Images: Select the Palette (Color, GrayScale, or Black & White), View (Full
Screen or Graticules Only), Image (Normal or InkSaver Mode), or Data Format
used when copying im ages
Waveforms: Select the Data Destination, channel Source, data range,
Waveform Detail, and Data Ordering used when copying waveforms
Measurements: Select the Data Format and type of Measurements used when
copying measurements