Glossary- 10
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Measurement Tracking
The process of automatically adjusting the measurement parameters to reflect
changes in the trace.
The middle point of a range of points. The middle measurement point
between proximal and distal points for timing measurements, and the
intermediate height between baseline and topline for amplitude measure-
Amplitude (voltage) measurement of the minimum amplitude. Typically the
most negative peak voltage.
A stable condition of oscillation in a laser. A laser can operate in one mode
(single mode) or in many modes (multimode).
Multimode Cable
A thick cored optical fiber (compared to single mode cable) that can
propagate light of multiple modes.
Multipurpose knobs
Front-panel knobs you can use to change the value of the assigned parameter.
A logic (Boolean) function in which the output of the AND function is
complemented (true becomes false, and false becomes true). On the
instrument, that is a trigger logic pattern and state function.
Negative duty cycle
A timing measurement representing the ratio of the negative pulse width to
the signal period, expressed as a percentage.
Negative overshoot measurement
Amplitude (voltage) measurement.
NegativeOvershoot =
Low − Min
× 100%