Displaying Waveforms
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
3- 131
Overview Related control elements and resourcesTo di splay waveforms in the main graticule (Cont.)
the timebase
8. To quickly rescale a portion of a channel waveform so
that it expands to fill the 10 divisions on screen, touch
and drag across the segment of the waveform that
you want to see in greater detail. Then select Zoom 1
On, Zoom 2 On, Zoom 3 On, or Zoom 4 On from the
drop-down list to magnify the highl ighted waveform
Note. The instrument displays the box-enclosed area
on the waveform magnified in the graticule.
Both vertical and horizontal zoom functions are
available. Zoomed waveforms can be aligned, locked,
and automatically scrolled. See Setting MultiView
Zoom Controls on page 3--131 for more informat ion.
Explore the
zoom controls
9. The next procedure describes setting up and
controlling Zoom.
See Setting Zoom Controls on page 3--131.
Setting MultiView Zoom Controls
The instrument can expand or compress (zoom in or out) on a waveform without
changing the acquisition parameters (sample rate, record length, and so on). This
section describes how to use MultiView Zoom and how it interacts with the
selected waveform.
Use MultiView Zoom (push the ZOOM button) when you want to expand a
waveform to inspect small feature(s) on that waveform or compare the feature to
the non-zoomed waveform(s). For example, to temporarily expand the front
corner of a pulse to inspect its aberrations, use Zoom to expand it horizontally
and vertically.