Data Input/Output
3- 280
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Figure 3- 66: Print preview window
Pressing the Windows Print Screen key copies the currently displayed bitmap to
the clipboard. This bitmap does not include the instrument waveforms or
graticule. The waveforms and graticule are displayed by the graphics adapter
outside of normal Windows mechanisms.
The graphics adapter uses a technique similar to that used by TV weathermen.
They stand in front of a blank (blue) screen that is electronically replaced by a
weather map. The instrument uses a blank (dark gray) image that is electronical-
ly replaced by the graticule and the waveforms that are currently being displayed.
If you load the bitmap into a program such as Paint, the graticule and waveforms
are not part of the bitmap, and, although they are visible on Paint’s window, they
will not be saved or printed.
To capture the instrument screen with its graticule and waveform, either use
Copy in the Edit menu after selecting Image in the Copy Setup menu, or if you
want to build a bitmap file, select Export in the File menu after selecting Full
Screen (bitmap) in the Select for Export menu. For additional information see
Exporting and Copying Waveforms on page 3--262.
To Print Using
Print Screen