CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
3- 245
Data Input/Output
This section describes the input and output capabilities of your instrument.
Specifically, it covers:
H Saving and Recalling a Setup on page 3--245
H Saving and Recalling Waveforms on page 3--253
H Exporting and Copying Waveforms on page 3--262, including exporting and
copying of images, waveforms, measurements, and histograms
H Printing Waveforms on page 3-- 277
H Remote Communication on page 3--282
Saving and Recalling a Setup
This instrument can save a number of different instrument setups for later recall,
limited only by the space you have to store the setups.
By saving and recalling different setups, you can switch from setup to setup
without having to first manually record your settings and then manually set
them. This capability is helpful when you want to:
H Save and recall a setup that optimizes the instrument for displaying and
analyzing a certain signal.
H Save a series of setups to help automate a procedure through recall of a
sequence of saved setups as part of performing the procedure.
H Export a setup for sharing with a second instrument.
The Save-Setup and the Recall-Setup control windows provide for including and
viewing comments with your saved setups. You can store information, readable
upon recall, that describes each setup you save and its intended application.