The arrow in the center of the screen is your present position. It points
in the direction you're traveling. The flashing line extending from the
back of the arrow is your plot trail, or path you've taken.
The plotter's zoom range is the distance across the screen. This number
shows in the lower right corner of the screen. In the first example fig-
ure below, the range is 4,000 miles from the left edge of the display to
the right edge.
The Zoom In and Zoom Out keys zoom the plotter to enlarge or reduce
its coverage area and the amount of detail shown. There are 39 avail-
able zoom ranges, from 0.02 miles to 4,000 miles.
At left, Plotter Page zoomed to 30 miles (note the overlapping, unread-
able waypoints) and right, zoomed to 15 miles (with waypoints visible).
The Plotter Page has its own menu, which is used for several functions
and for setting various options. To access the Plotter Page Menu, from
the Plotter Page, press
The following page contains a 12-step quick reference for the most basic
GPS operations. If you don't want to carry the manual with you as you
practice with the Cuda 240, you might consider photocopying this quick
reference page and tucking it into your pocket.