© 2002 Design, 2012 Doc. No. 12-5332-r01 (11/19/12)
The Pro Plus 3 is configured with a sensor capable of measuring the intensity of ambient light.
The Backlight will only come on when light level is low.
To activate the SMARTGLO Backlight >> press the S (right) button.
• If ambient light level is low, the Backlight will activate and illuminate the display for button depression time* plus the Duration time set (5, 10, or 15
seconds), for a maximum of 25 seconds.
*The Backlight will turn Off if S is depressed for more than 10 seconds.
• Press S again to activate as desired.
Extensive use of the Backlight reduces estimated Battery life. Also, the Backlight does not operate during a Low Battery
Condition or when the Pro Plus 3 is connected to a PC.
When alarms strike, the Audible will beep 10 times, unless set Off. The Audible can be acknowledged and silenced by pressing S (< 2 sec).
An LED Warning Light, on end of the housing, is synchronized with the Audible and flashes as the Audible sounds. It will turn Off when the Alarm is
silenced. The Audible and LED will not be active if the Audible is Set OFF.
Situations that will activate the Audible include -
** Items activate only in NORM mode.
• Descent deeper than the value set.
• Dive Time Remaining at the value set**.
• Air Time Remaining at 5 then 0 minutes.
• Tank Turn Pressure at the value set.
• Tank End Pressure at the value set.
• Elapsed Dive Time at the value set.
• PO2 at the value set for the Gas in use**.
• O2 at allowed limit for a single dive or day of diving, 300 OTU (100%)**.
• TLBG at the value set**.
• Ascent Rate exceeds 60 FPM (18 MPM) when deeper than 60 FT (18 M), or 30 FPM (9 MPM) at 60 FT (18 M) and shallower.
• Entry into Decompression**.
• Conditional Violation (above a required Deco Stop Depth for less than 5 minutes)**.
• Delayed Violation 1 (above a required Deco Stop Depth for more than 5 minutes)**.
• Delayed Violation 2 (a Deco Stop Depth greater than 60 FT/18 M is required)**.
• Delayed Violation 3 (Operating Depth of 330 FT/100 M is exceeded in NORM mode, or 400 FT/120 M in GAUG mode).
A single short beep (which cannot be disabled) sounds when -
• After 10 minutes on the surface after the Violation dive.
3 short beeps (which cannot be disabled) sound when -
• Ascent Rate is 51 to 60 FPM (15.1 to 18 MPM) when deeper than 60 FT (18 M), or 26 to 30 FPM (7.5 to 9 MPM) at 60 FT (18 M) and shallower.
During the following situations, the 10 second continuous tone will be followed by a 5 second steady beep that will not turn off when acknowledged -
• Ascent above a Deco Stop for more than 5 minutes.
• Deco requires a Stop Depth deeper than 60 FT/18 M or deeper.
• On the Surface during a Conditional Violation.
Interface with a PC, to allow uploading settings and downloading data, is accomplished by connecting the Pro Plus 3 to a PC USB Port using the special
Pro Plus 3 USB Interface Cable.
The software program together with the USB Driver required is on the Oceanlog CD, and can be downloaded from the OceanicWorldwide web site. The
program's HELP** serves as the user manual which can be printed for personal use.
** Prior to attempting to Download data from your Pro Plus 3 or Upload Settings to it, review the HELP section of the Oceanlog program. Recommended
is to print those sections of HELP that you consider appropriate for your Interface activities.
The Settings Upload portion of the Oceanlog program can be used to set/change Alarms, Utilities, and Time/Date, using the same Interface System. Gas
related items (FO2, PO2 alarms) must be set using the control buttons.
Information available for retrieval (download) from the Pro Plus 3 to the PC Download portion of the program includes dive data such as dive number, sur-
face interval time, maximum depth, elapsed dive time, no deco status, start date/time, start/end pressure, lowest temperature under water, sampling rate,
dive profile, and set points.
The Oceanlog program also allows upgrade of select versions of the Pro Plus 3's firmware (operating system software) after which the Pro Plus 3 resets all
operating data. Since the upgrades require reset of the Pro Plus 3, they are blocked during 24 hours after dives.
• Refer to page 32 for more details relating to Oceanlog and PC Interface.