© 2002 Design, 2012 Doc. No. 12-5301-r01 (12/17/12)
NORM NO DECO ALT 2, information includes (Fig. 71) -
> PO2 (x.xx ATA) with PO2 icon.
> FO2 setting for Gas in use with FO2 and NX icons.
> Gas (tank) icon, one in use (1 or 2)
> O2BG with O2 icon.
• A (< 2 sec) to access ALT 3.
• Operation will revert to Main after 5 seconds, or if A is pressed.
• L (press) to activate Backlight.
ALT screens cannot be accessed during the time while the Audible is sounding.
On any No Deco dive in which Depth exceeds 80 FT (24 M), a Deep Stop Preview screen (Fig. 72) can be accessed that will
display the graphic DSP (meaning Deep Stop Preview) and a recommended Stop Depth calculated to be 1/2 the Max Depth and
a Stop Time of 2:00 (2 minutes) with STOP and FT (or M) icons. It will revert to the Main after 5 seconds.
• The intent of this screen is to suggest that a Stop should be made as indicated to help reduce tissue nitrogen loading prior to
final ascent.
• The Preview screen will not be available for viewing once you ascend above the Stop Depth.
NOTE: The Deep Stop is not required and although recommended, it does not have to be taken.
There is no penalty if the Stop is ignored and ascent (or other activity) is continued.
Upon ascending to within 10 FT (3 M) below the calculated Stop Depth, the DS Main screen (Fig. 73) will appear displaying the
calculated Stop Depth with FT (or M) and STOP icons and the Timer that counts down from 2:00 to 0:00 (min:sec). Also dis-
played will be Current Depth, DTR, and bar graphs.
• A (< 2 sec) to access ALT displays, similar to No Deco ALTs with EDT on ALT 1.
• M (2 sec) to access Gas Switch Preview.
• L (press) to activate Backlight.
When the DS countdown reaches 0:00, the No Deco Main will be displayed and the DS feature will be disabled for the remain-
der of that dive.
If you descend 10 FT (3 M) below, or ascend 10 FT (3 M) above the Stop Depth, for more than 10 seconds during the count-
down, the No Deco Main will be displayed and the DS feature will be disabled for the remainder of that dive.
If you return to within the +/- 10 FT (3 M) range during the 10 seconds, the DS Main will reappear with the countdown still
in progress.
The DS feature will be disabled, and it's screens not displayed, for the remainder of that dive, if you enter Deco or O2 increases
to (80%), or you descend deeper than 190 FT (63 M).
During High PO2 (=> Alarm Set Point), the DS screen information will be replaced with High PO2 information.
Upon ascending to 20 FT (6 M) on any No Deco dive in which Depth exceeded 30 FT (9 M), a Safety Stop (SS) screen will ap-
pear displaying a recommended Stop at 15 FT (5 M) with a Countdown Timer that counts down from 3:00 to 0:00 (min:sec).
The SS will be displayed until the countdown times out, or you descend below 30 FT (9 M) during the countdown, or you surface
during the countdown.
• Like the DS, there is no Penalty for surfacing prior to completing the SS.
• There is no Preview screen associated with the Safety Stop.
SS Main display information includes Stop Depth (15 FT or 5 M) with STOP and FT (or M) icons, Countdown Timer (min:sec), Cur-
rent Depth, DTR, Pressure, and bar graphs.
• A (< 2 sec) to view ALTs, similar to those for DS.
• M (2 sec) to access Gas Switch Preview.
• L (press) to activate Backlight.
Fig. 71 - NO DECO ALT 2
Fig. 72 - DS PREVIEW
Fig. 73 - DS MAIN
Fig. 74 - SS MAIN