5: Commands and Levels
Sets the IEEE 802.1x protocol to PEAP.
Each byte is represented by two adjacent hex digits.
Bytes may run together or be separated by optional punctuation:
123ABC "12 3A BC" 12,3A,BC 12.3a.bc 12:3a:bc
Note that quotes must enclose the value if it contains spaces.
Each byte is represented by a single character.
Note that quotes must enclose the value if it contains spaces.
Clears the RSA certificate name.
Sets the value for the password.
<text> = put quotes around the characters (max 63).
Sets the PEAP authentication protocol option to EAP-MD5.
Sets the PEAP authentication protocol option to EAP-MSCHAP
Shows the current configuration.
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current CLI
Sets the value of the username.
<text> = value in characters (max 63).
validate certificate disable
Skips verification of the server certificate when connecting.
validate certificate enable
Requires verification of the server certificate when connecting.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
Exits to the enable level.
Dump XML configuration containing secrets to the console
secret xcr dump <group list>
Dump specified XML configuration containing secrets to the con-
Save XML configuration containing secrets to a file
secret xcr export <file> <group list>
Save specified XML configuration containing secrets to a local file
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current CLI
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
Dump XML configuration to the console
Dump specified XML configuration to the console
Save XML configuration to a file
xcr export <file> <group list>
Save specified XML configuration to a local file
Load XML configuration from a local file
xcr import <file> <group list>
Load specified XML configuration from a local file
List XML Configuration Record groups to the console
Dump XML Status Records to the console
Dump specified XML Status Records to the console
Save XML Status Record to a file
PremierWave EN Command Reference 211