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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel Nortel Confidential
primary rate interface (PRI)
An integrated services digital network (ISDN) interface standard that is
designated in North America as having a 23B+D channels. All circuit-switched
B channels and D channels operate at 64 kb/s.
priority field
A 32-bit (p-bit) field in the TCI sub-header of the IEEE 802.1Q tag header. This
field represents the user priority of an Ethernet packet.
priority guaranteed queuing (PGQ)
A queuing mechanism that ensures that cells belonging to different priority
classes sharing a link receive proper attention. The scheme enforces an
absolute priority discipline unless the service to certain lower classes is
excessively denied (that is, starved). PGQ raises the respective priority of
lower class services until they are accorded at least minimal attention.
A tagged frame whose IEE 802.1Q tag carrier priority information, but carries
no VLAN identification information.
private branch exchange (PBX)
Telephone switching equipment used by a company or organization to provide
in-house telephone switching and access to the public telephone network.
private network-to-network interface (PNNI)
An ATM routing and signaling protocol that permits dynamic routing and
networking. Nortel Multiservice Switch networks support PNNI 1.0.
process identifier (PID)
PIDs identify a specific process associated with a specific data network
The term processor is used in Nortel Multiservice Switch documentation to
refer to a I80960 or PowerPC chip. A processor is a 32-bit embedded
microprocessor that coordinates the activities on a processor card.
processor card
A printed circuit board that provides the computation resources on Nortel
Multiservice Switch devices. These cards usually support and manage
external connections to communications facilities or networks. A processor
card slides in as one unit into one of the slots of the shelf. There are two types
of processor cards: the function processor (FP) card and the control
processor (CP) card. A processor card is often referred to as a card when it is
acting as the hardware platform of a logical processor.