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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel Nortel Confidential
virtual circuit (VC), frame relay networking
In frame relay networking, the equivalent of a physical connection to a
destination address using shared facilities. Virtual circuits can be permanent
(PVC) or switched (SVC). The virtual circuit is anchored in the function
processors that are connected to the end user devices.
Virtual Circuit System (VCS)
The software system that allows Nortel Multiservice Switch networks to offer
virtual circuits.
virtual interface
In ATM networking, an interface that is configured under a virtual path
terminator, permitting multiple virtual interfaces under a single port. This
configuration contrasts with actual or real interfaces that have a one-to-one
correspondence with a physical port. Virtual interfaces, like their actual
interface counterparts, can be any of UNI, IISP, AINI, or PNNI interfaces. Also
known as virtual UNI or VUNI, virtual IISP or VIISP, virtual AINI or VAINI, and
virtual PNNI or VPNNI.
virtual IP router (VIPR)
Virtual IP router (VIPR) is an IP service that provides basic IP routing in a flat
IP network.This service is also referred to as Basic IP.
virtual LAN (VLAN)
IEEE 802.1Q Ethernet virtual LAN (VLAN) is a subset of the active topology
of a Bridged LAN. A VID is associated with each VLAN.
virtual link (VL)
An IMA virtual link refers to the combination of multiple physical links that use
the inverse multiplexing process to transmit traffic across these links. A virtual
link is presented as a single link to the ATM layer. A VL originates on one FP
running the IMA feature and terminates on another FP running the IMA
feature. Typically, these two FPs are on two different Nortel Multiservice
Switch nodes. Any virtual link can consist of a maximum of eight DS1/E1
physical links on an FP running IMA.
Virtual Media (VM)
Virtual Media (VM) is a Nortel Networks proprietary, hardware independent
broadcast medium. VM is not associated with a physical port but rather a
logical interface.
virtual path (VP)
In frame relay, the equivalent of a physical connection to a destination address
using shared facilities. Virtual paths can be permanent (PVP) or switched
(SVP). The virtual path is anchored in the function processors that are
connected to the end user devices.