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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel Nortel Confidential
See shortest path tree (SPT) (page 121).
spare card
A spare processor card is either
an installed back-up card that has been configured (provisioned) in
software to take over the traffic and services of a compatible or equivalent
card when that card is removed from service manually or by the system;
in the Nortel Multiservice Switch suite of NTPs, occurrences of “spare
card” almost always refer to this definition
an unused card that is stored as a replacement card in the event of a
failure, upgrade, or redeployment of a compatible or equivalent card
See also sparing (page 125) and sparing panel (page 125).
Using a spare card to enable redundant back-up of another card’s active
traffic, services, and capabilities. The effectiveness of the sparing depends on
choosing a compatible or equivalent card. A compatible card usually has the
same root product engineering code (PEC) and provides the same services
and capabilities but with different rates of performance. An equivalent card
can have a different PEC but provides the same or very similar services and
sparing panel
A termination panel that enables the sparing of one or more function
processors (FPs) by a single FP of the same type and compatible or
equivalent vintage. See also
sparing timer (page 125), sparing (page 125),
and equipment sparing (page 48).
sparing timer
This timer is used to cause a switchover if a failed main function processor
(FP) in a one-for-n sparing configuration has not recovered by the time it
expires. This timer is five minutes. See also
stability timer (page 127).
See security policy database (SPD) (page 119).
See SONET payload envelope (SPE) (page 124).
specified path
A manually pre-determined path that consists of a series of transit nodes.