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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel Nortel Confidential
2 See logical node (LN) (page 76).
See logical node identifier (LNID) (page 76).
See logical network number (LNN) (page 76).
Load Re-balancing on Parallel Links
When a new Private Network-Network Interface (PNNI) parallel link is added,
or an existing PNNI parallel link is dropped and then recovered, the bandwidth
is distributed equally across the parallel links.
load sharing
Load sharing is the process by which traffic is divided over links in a link group
on a packet by packet basis.
load spreading
If there is more than one equal path to a destination, Nortel Multiservice
Switch node’s will pick two of them. Load spreading is the process by which
nodes divide traffic, on a VC basis, over the two link groups on those paths
and the links in the link group. The algorithm used ensures (under normal
conditions) that all the traffic for a given VC follows the same path and uses
the same links along that path.
local access transport area (LATA)
Also referred to as a service area by some Bell Operating Companies (BOC),
a LATA serves two basic purposes: to provide a method for delineating the
area within which the BOCs may offer services and, to provide a basis for
determining how the assets of the former Bell System were to be divided
between the BOCs and AT&T at divestiture.
The United States has been divided into 200 LATAs by the AT&T Modified
Final Judgment. Each BOC may service more than one LATA, but BOCs are
generally constrained from providing long distance service between LATAs.
Long distance service within a LATA is provided by the LEC. Service between
LATAs is provided by an IEC.
local address resolver
A component of connection address resolution (CAR) that performs the
resolution of a destination address at the local level.
local area network (LAN)
A network that connects microcomputers, workstations, printers, and other
devices together, limited to local distances.