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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel Nortel Confidential
The command or action to be applied to a component. Verbs take options and
produce responses. For example, the delete verb removes a component from
the edit view.
See VLAN identifier (VID) (page 145).
A database used to store provisioning data. The current view contains the
current data. The edit view contains data used to edit the current view. The
committed view contains information used in case of a restart or reset.
Vintage 4
Version of accounting records that are generated by DPN modules.
Vintage 4 Enhanced
Vintage 4 accounting records that are used for frame relay. These accounting
records contain different fields for frame relay.
See virtual IP router (VIPR) (page 142).
virtual channel (VC), ATM networking
In ATM networking, a concept that describes unidirectional transport of ATM
cells associated by a common unique identifier value called VCI.
virtual channel connection (VCC)
In ATM networking, a concatenation of virtual channel links that extends
between two points where the adaptation layer is accessed.
virtual channel identifier (VCI)
In ATM networking, a field in the ATM cell header that identifies the virtual
channel with which the cell is associated.
virtual channel link (VCL)
A segment of virtual channel between two contiguous ATM layer entities that
process the cells of a virtual channel. A VCL is identified only by the VCI value
in the cell header if it is part of a VPC, or by both the VPI and VCI values if it
is not part of a VPC.