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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel Nortel Confidential
cold standby
Applications and features that operate with a standby instance that is not
synchronized with the active instance of the software. During an equipment
switchover, cold standby applications incur longer outages than hot standby
and warm standby applications, and all connections must be re-established.
Continuation of message. See beginning of message (BOM) (page 19).
Comité Consultatif International Télégraphique et Téléphonique (CCITT)
A European standards body now known as ITU-T.
command area
An adjustable segment of a window where you enter and review commands.
The command area contains two fields: a command (input) field and a history
command file
A set of instructions stored as a macro. When the command file is executed,
all instructions or commands in that file are performed automatically.
command line interface
An area on a terminal screen that allows you to enter instructions from the
keyboard and then execute those instructions.
committed burst size (Bc)
The maximum amount of data (in bits) that a network agrees to transfer under
normal conditions over a measurement interval.
committed information rate (CIR)
The rate (in bit/s) at which the network agrees to transfer information over a
connection. It is related to committed burst size (Bc) and measurement
interval (T) as CIR = Bc/T.
common header
A small Nortel Multiservice Switch node-specific common frame header that
is appended to the front of frames and cells that are routed between Nortel
Multiservice Switch nodes.
common channel signaling (CCS)
A signaling system in which signaling control data for all channels on a facility
is carried on a single separate channel in the form of a data protocol. For
example, the control signals for 30 voice channels are carried on an ISDN
PBX trunk, and the data channel (D-channel) is carried in one of the remaining