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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel Nortel Confidential
See bandwidth on demand (BWOD) (page 18).
cable management area
One of the four divisions of the shelf. It allows orderly management of cables
and acts as an exhaust duct for hot air.
cache management system (CMS)
A feature that allows the user to configure the IP local cache table size.
See connection admission control (CAC) (page 33).
Communication between two subscribers who are connected to endpoints of
the network.
call correlation tag (CCT)
An identifier, unique for each call, provided in the accounting record to
facilitate off-switch correlation of several records issued at different interfaces
in the network.
call establishment
Establishing a call between two access services across a network.
call management
The capability of the Nortel Multiservice Switch accounting system to prevent
the loss of accounting records by only accepting new SVC calls if the system
has enough resources to process the accounting records associated with the
SVC call. Call management is engineered for each logical processor.
call preservation
See connection preservation (page 34).
call redirection server (CRS)
Provides call redirection for DPRS services on Nortel Multiservice Switch
node-only networks. A CRS improves an application’s availability by
redirecting a call attempt that would otherwise fail because the destination
cannot be reached. Call redirection servers are located on function
processors that are spread throughout the routing identifier (RID) subnet in
the DPRS network.
call router (CR)
Provides the translation of a DNA to a routable identity.