
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel
Nortel Confidential
What’s new
Terms that apply to the following features were added to this document:
Secure shell (Ssh) on Nortel Multiservice Switch 15000 and 20000
(page 4)
Load Re-balancing on Parallel Links (page 4)
Attention: To ensure that you are using the most current version of an NTP,
check the current NTP list in NN10600-000 Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/
15000/20000 What’s New.
Secure shell (Ssh) on Nortel Multiservice Switch 15000 and 20000
The following terms were updated for this feature:
component model (page 32)
Internet protocol interface over virtual circuit (IPIVC) (page 67)
network management interface (NMIF) (page 88)
The following terms were added for this feature:
Secure shell (Ssh) (page 118)
Ssh (page 126)
Load Re-balancing on Parallel Links
The following term was added for this feature:
LRB (page 78)