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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel Nortel Confidential
A configured SPVC that uses the switched connection between networks is a
permanent SPVC (P-SPVC). The switched connection at the NNI that enables
connectivity between networks is a switched SPVC (S-SPVC).
See also:
1 P-switched permanent virtual circuit (P-SPVC) (page 99)
2 S-switched permanent virtual circuit (S-SPVC) (page 126)
3 virtual circuit (VC), frame relay networking (page 142)
switched permanent virtual path (SPVP)
A a type of virtual path (VP) that allows configured SPVP endpoints in two
different frame relay or ATM networks to establish a switched connection
across network-to-network interfaces (NNIs). It is a logical connection, the
endpoints of which are configured by the network operator, but with a route is
selected automatically at call setup.
A configured SPVP that uses the switched connection between networks is a
permanent SPVP (P-SPVP). The switched connection at the NNI that enables
connectivity between networks is a switched SPVP (S-SPVP).
See also:
• permanent switched permanent virtual circuit (P-SPVC) (page 100)
• S-switched permanent virtual circuit (S-SPVC) (page 126)
• virtual circuit (VC), frame relay networking (page 142)
switched virtual channel (SVC), ATM networking
1 A virtual channel connection that is dynamically established and ended
through control signaling. The user defines the endpoints when the call is
2 See also virtual channel (VC), ATM networking (page 141).
switched virtual circuit (SVC)
1 A type of virtual circuit (VC) that is established and torn down by
subscriber applications on an as-needed basis. It is a logical connection
that remains in place only for the duration of data transfer. User equipment
signals the desired destination, and the connection route is selected
automatically through SVC signaling.
2 See also virtual circuit (VC), frame relay networking (page 142).