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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel Nortel Confidential
2 See backplane control system (BCS) (page 17).
See excess burst size (Be) (page 50).
bearer channel (B-channel)
In ISDN connections, a 64 kbit/s digital bidirectional channel for carrying voice
and data traffic.
See backward explicit congestion notification (BECN) (page 17).
beginning of message (BOM)
The first cell in a series of cells that result from segmentation of higher-layer
packets or frames. The BOM cell marks the first cell in the cell series that
represents one packet or frame.
See backplane file system (BFS) (page 17).
See border gateway protocol (BGP) (page 20).
binary 3 zero substitution (B3ZS)
An encoding technique used to transfer bits over a DS3 line. B3ZS guarantees
1’s density by substituting a pattern of bipolar violations if three or more zeros
in a row are to be transported.
binary 8 zero substitution (B8ZS)
An encoding technique used to transfer bits over a DS1 line. B8ZS guarantees
1’s density by substituting a pattern of bipolar violations if eight or more zeros
in a row are to be transported.
binary-coded decimal (BCD)
1 A computer coding system that represents each decimal number with a
group of four binary digits (1s and 0s).
2 A component model data type.
bipolar violation (BPV)
A failure to follow alternate mark inversion coding. BPVs are intentionally
inserted in the bit stream using 1’s density techniques.
bit 7 stuffing
When a T1 or E1 time slot has all 0s, bit 7 (the least significant bit) is forced to
a 1.