Displaying Waveforms
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Use the procedure that follows to become familiar with the display adjustments
you can make.
Overview To control the Main view Related control elements and resources
Prerequisites 1. The instrument must be installed with sampling modules
in place.
2. The acquisiti on system should be set to run
3. Also, an appropriate trigger signal must be applied to
the instrum ent and triggering must be set up.
See the sampling Moduleuser manuals forsampling
module installation. Seepage 3--24 foracquisition
setup andpage 3--48 for trigger setup in this manual.
Set the vertical
4. Push a Vertical Source button (turns amber) to
assign the numbered buttons 1--8 t o operate on
channel, reference, or m ath wavef orms. Push a
numbered button 1--8 to select the waveform (it
A waveform button lights when its waveform is on:
H Lighted green: waveform is on but not
H Lighted amber: waveform is on and selected
Hint. Step 4 assumes any reference or math
waveforms you select are defi ned. See Table 3--2
on page 3--56 if you need help defining t hese
5. Use the Vertical knobs to achieve a good display
of each waveform you select .
To Display Waveforms in
the Main Time Base View