CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Save and recall of waveforms
adding a comment, 3--123
usage limitations, 3--120
Save Mode, if Windows starts in, 1--16
Saved waveform, saved, Glossary--9
Saving a setup, 3--113
Saving a waveform, 3--120
Saving and recalling setups
including comments, 3--114
virtual keyboard with, 3 --114
why use, 3--113
Saving and recalling waveforms
including comments, 3--120
virtual keyboard with, 3 --120
why use, 3--120
Saving images, PNG format, 3--136
Scale, considerations for setting, 3--6
Screen printouts, change display, 3--137
SELECT button, Glossary--8
Selected cursor, Glossary--1
Selected wa veform, Glossary--8
defined, 3--7
Service support, cont act informat ion, xiii
recalling, 3--113
saving, 3--113
how to recall, 3--118
how to save, 3--115
including comments with, 3--114
purpose of saving/recalling, 3--113
virtual keyboard with, 3 --114
Shipping package, contents of, 1--7
Signal, connection and scaling overview, 3--4
Signal conditioning, background, 3--13
Sin(x)/x interpolation, 3--67, Glossary--6
Slope, Glossary--9
trigger, 3--40
description, 1--16
diagnostic (QAPlus/Win), 1--38, 1--39
installation, 1--15
release notes, 1 --16
System Rebuild CD, 1--3
User Interface application, 1--3
Windows, 1--3
SONET/ SDH, standards supported, 3--142
Sources, trigger, 3--42
conditions for meeting, A--1
cooling, A--7
data storage, A--9
display, A--7
environmental, A--6
for instrument, A--1
for sampling modules, where to find, A--1
mechanical, A--10
ports, A--8
power consumption, A--7
signal acquisition, A--1
time base, A --2
trigger, A--3
specifications, A--1
Standard, masks supported, 3--142
Standard accessories, 1--41
Statistics, for histograms, 3--158
Status bar, 2--7
System, diagnostics, 1--16
System Rebuild CD, 1--3
TDS8000, description, 1--1
Technical support, contact information, xiii
contacting, xiii
toll-free number, xii i
Temperature compensation, 3--92–3--100
Test equipment, for incoming inspection, 1--17
Testing Waveforms, masks, histograms, and waveform
databases, 3--141
Time base, Glossary--9
view, Glossary--10
Tool bar, 2--7
Touch screen, inoperable in Windows Safe mode, 1--16
Touchscreen, operations equivalent with mouse, 3--60
Tracking Methods (automatic measurement), B--68
Trigger, Glossary --9
clock recovery source, 3 --42
DIRECT connector, 3--42, 3--44
Edge, Glossary --4
inputs, 3--42
Level, Glossary--9
level, 3--40
modes, 3--41
PRESCALE connector, 3--42, 3--44
probe used to connect, 3--44
slope, 3--40
sources, 3--42
vs. untriggered displays (illustrated), 3--41
Trigger inputs, usage limitations, 3--44
Trigger MAIN LEVEL knob, 3 --40
Trigger point, defined, 3--28
Trigger source, usage limitations, 3--44