CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
acquisition process, 2--6
documentation, 2--2
front panel, 2--8
input/output (front panel), 2--11
input/output (rear panel), 2--12
system, 2--4
user interface, 2--7
waveform displa y, 2 --9
Mask testing, 3--141, 3--145
autoset to a mask, 3--147
clearing statistics counts, 3--151
count statistics, 3--143
creating a user mask (figure), 3--144
definition of counts (sta tistics), 3--151
editing description, 3--143
flexible features of, 3--141
stopping acquisition based on, 3--147
supported standards, 3--142
to create a mask, 3 --152
to edit a mask, 3--149
usage limitations, 3--142
why use, 3--141
Fiberchannel standards supported, 3--142
Gigabit Ethernet, 3--142
SONET/ SDH standards supported, 3--142
Math waveform
defining (overview), 3--101
how to define, 3--105
how to use, 3--109
operations on, 3--107
display considerations, 3--108
source considerations, 3--108
take automatic measurements on, 3--110
take cursor measurements on, 3--111
Math Waveform s
how to create, 3--103
sources for, 3--103
Math waveforms, Glossary--6
expression syntax for, 3--104
overview, 3 --101
source dependencies of, 3--104
time base dependencies of, 3--104
usage limitations, 3--102, 3--107
why use, 3--102
Gated, Glossary--4
High, Glossary--5
Low, Glossary--6
Measurement accuracy, optimizing, 3--92–3--100
Measurement level
HighRef, Glossary--5
LowRef, Glossary--6
MidRef, Glossary--7
MidRef2, Glossary--7
Measurement Re ference Param eters an d Methods,
B-- 56
automatic, 3 --74
annotations, 3--74
databases as sources, 3--75
independent characterization of, 3--75
statistics on, 3 --75
what’s mea sured, 3--74
why use, 3--74
cursor, 3 --85
sources, 3--86
what’s mea sured, 3--85
why use, 3--85
cursor types, 3--86
cursors and the display, 3--86
how to localize (gates), 3--83
how to set source s for cursor, 3 --90
how to take, 3--80
how to take cursor, 3--89
tools for taking, 3--73
Measurements (automatic), B--2, B--15, B--68
for Pulse signals (definitions), B--2, B--8, B--14
for RZ signals (definitions), B--15, B--29, B--36
NRZ signals (definitions), B--37, B--50, B--55
Reference, B --1
Tracking methods, B--68
Measurements bar, 2 --7
Measuring Waveforms, 3--73
Menu, Pop up, Glossary--7
Menu bar, 2--7
Metastability reject triggering, 3--45
MidRef, measurement level, Glossary--7
MidRef2, measurement level, Glossary--7
Mode, trigger, 3--41
Models, instrument, 1--1
Modes, sampling, 3--28–3--30
Modules, sampling, supported, 1--4
Mouse, operations equivalent with touchscreen, 3--60
Non-Return to Zero, Definition, Glossary--7
Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ) autom atic me asurement s,
B-- 37