Using Masks, Histograms, and Waveform Databases
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Overview Related control elements & resourcesTo customi ze the database display (cont.)
Set display options
4. Choose from t he following displ ay options:
Color: Choose color to draw the waveform database in
colors that vary with how frequently each sample value
occurs in the database.
Invert: Choose this option to reverse the color or
intensity assignments to each grading partition. Inverting
the colors may m ake it easier to view the variations of
color or intensities, and makes it easier to see
frequencies or occurrences wi th sm aller numbers of
Intensity: Choose I ntensity to draw the waveform
database with varying int ensities that vary with how
frequentl y each sampl e val ue occurs in the database.
Grading Method: Select any one of four grading
methods avai lable from the pull down menu.
Emphasize Counts: If you select one of the two
Emphasized grading met hods, slide the Emphasize
Counts percentage control to specify the range of counts
you want emphasized.
Note. The Dis play Opt ions cont rol s appl y globally to all
four databases t hat this instrument provides.
Additional information about Grading Method is
located on page 3--161.
Examples 5. See the following illustrations to see examples of
waveform database data using different display options.